籠仔荷葉蒸雞塊Steamed chicken with Lotus Leaves-梁廚美食 Chef Leung(第7集 No 7)
大頭菜脯4 安士 (Dried Radish 4oz) ,切絲後備用 : Shred radish
冬菇四隻切絲 (Mushroom Shred 4Pieces)
紅棗8粒 (Dates 8 Pieces)
薑絲一湯匙 (Ginger Shred 1T)
雞髀肉一磅 (Chicken leg meat 1 lb Slices)
乾荷葉2塊 (Dried Lotus Leaves 2 Pieces)
花雕酒一茶匙 (Shaoxing Wine 1teaspoon),
生抽一湯匙 (Soy Sauce 1 T),糖半茶匙 (Sugar ½ teaspoon),蠔油一湯匙 (Oyster Sauce 1T), 生粉一湯匙 (Constarch 1T),麻油適量 (Sesame oil Few drops)。
1. 雞髀肉切成厚小塊,用醃味料醃約十五分鐘備用。
Cut Chicken thigh into thick pieces, and marinate for 15 mins. Remove the pit of the date and cut it open.
2. 乾荷葉兩塊,用水稍為浸軟,再用熱水煮軟後撈出,清洗乾淨, 一塊可以剪開四小塊, 每一塊荷葉放上雞肉,菜脯絲,冬菇絲,紅棗,薑絲等包捲成長方形,放入竹蒸籠, 隔水蒸十分鐘便可。
Soak two pieces of dried lotus leaves until getting soft, put into boiling water , remove and rinse. Cut one lotus leaf into 4 pieces. Put
chicken, shredded radish, shredded mushroom, date and ginger on the louts leaves and roll into squares. Put them into bamboo steam box, and steam for 10 mins.
• 梁師傅小貼士
Chef’s Tips:
• 乾荷葉氣味清香, 用來蒸雞, 排骨, 糯米飯等等, 會增加食慾, 令菜式更潻美感.
Dried lotus leaves have a delicate aroma, so it will add favor to steamed Chicken, pork rib, or sticky rice, etc. It will also make the dish look nice.