新鮮花旗參三枝 (約五安士), (Fresh Ginseng 3 strips, about 5 oz), 響螺1.5磅 ( Sea
Conch 1.5 lbs), 烏雞一隻 (Silky chicken 1 piece),蜜棗五粒 (Sweet date 5 pieces),
薑三片 (Ginger 3 slices)。
1. 新鮮花旗參, 用清水沖洗乾淨表面的沙泥。
響螺除掉殻後清洗乾淨, 烏雞清洗乾
淨後斬件, 螺頭聯同雞塊一齊用薑汁酒飛水, 沖洗乾淨備用。
Wash and rinse out the dirt on the fresh ginseng. Remove the shell of Sea Conch
and wash it. Wash and cut the silky chicken. Boil water, and add giner wine, then
put in sea conch and chicken. Remove and rinse sea conch and chicken.
2. 湯煲內放入18碗水, 把所有材料放進,大火煲滾後 15分鐘 ,再轉為慢火, 煲多
兩個半小時,期間約一個小時左右, 把花旗參撈出切成小片, 再放回湯煲
內繼續煲,這樣花旗參比較容易出味, 煲好後調入適量食鹽, 便可飲用, 湯
Put 18 bowls of water in the soup pot and add all the ingredients. Cook with high
heat for 15 minutes, then cook with low heat for 2.5 hours. After cooking for
about 1 hours, remove the ginseng and cut them into small pieces, then put back
to the pot so that we get more flavor out of the ingredients. After it’s done, add
some salt and it’s ready to serve. You may take out the left over in the soup and
dip it with soy sauce.
* 梁師傅小貼士 *
3. 花旗參有清熱降火,潤肺功效, 為秋季 一款美味健康的湯水。
American ginseng has the effect of clearing heat and reducing fire, and moisturizing the
lungs. It is a delicious and healthy soup in autumn.
4. 研究发现能降低糖尿病人的血糖, 预防感冒.
The study found that it can reduce the blood sugar of people with diabetes and prevent
5. 響螺味甘鹹、性寒。有清竅明目、滋陰養顏及利水的效用。足部肉質脆嫩,味道
Sea Conch tastes sweet and salty. It is cold in nature. It has the effect of clearing eyes,
nourishing yin and dredging water in the body. The flesh is crisp and tender, and it is
delicious. It is suitable for boiling, stew and stir fly.
• .特別贊助材料是: [ 鮮花旗參, 烏雞 ]
The fresh ginseng and silky chicken are sponsored by Saywee.com
• 材料贊助商 *
本食譜及照片由 [ 梁廚美食] 烹飪節目梁師傅提供
Recipe and Photo developed by Master Chef James Leung