花旗參2條 (Fresh Ginseng 2 strips),中蝦12安士 (Shrimp 12 oz), 白米 2杯 (White
Rice 2 C), 雞蛋 3隻 (Egg 3 pieces),蔥花3湯匙 (Chopped Green onion 3 T),黑芝麻
少許裝飾用 (Black sesame a little bit).
豉油1湯匙 (Soysauce 1 T),美極鮮醬油少許 (Maggi sauce a little bit).
1. 花旗參洗乾淨後切成小粒,加入白米內煮成飯,放涼備用。
Wash the fresh ginseng and cut into small pieces. Cook with rice and let it cool
2. 中蝦去殼去腸, 洗淨瀝乾, 用抹手紙索乾水分, 用少許鹽, 胡椒粉, 粟粉醃十分鐘備
用, 雞蛋打散。
Remove the shell and intestine of the shrimp, wash and wipe dry with
kitchen towel. Marinate the shrimp with salt, pepper and corn starch for 10
3. 熱鑊下油,把蝦仁炒熟盛出. 再下油, 放入蛋液炒至半熟,加入花旗參飯大火炒至
微黃,加上蝦仁, 放入調味料及蔥花炒勻便可。
Heat the pot and add oil, cook the shrimp till well done. Remove the shrimp, add oil, put
in the egg and cook till half done. Add ginseng and rice, cook with high heat till it turns
yellow. Add shrimp back, together with seasonings and green onion, then mix them well.
• 梁師傅小貼士 *
Chef’s Tips:
• 鮮花旗參與乾花旗參分別是新鮮的營養功效高出30%, 每年只有九月至十一月才
有供應, 原因是十一月後開始下雪, 覆蓋了參田. 而新鮮花旗參保存期短, 容易
腐爛, 所以只有佷短時間有售.
• The fresh ginseng contains 30% more nutrition than in the dry one. And the fresh
ginseng is only available from September to November every year. It usually
snows after November and covers the field. The fresh ginseng is perishable, so it
is only available for a short time.
• 花旗參有清熱降火,潤肺功效,研究发现能降低糖尿病人的血糖, 预防感冒.
American ginseng has the effect of clearing heat and reducing fire and moistening the
lungs. The study found that it can reduce the blood sugar of diabetics and prevent colds.
特別材料贊助有: [ 鮮花旗參, 中蝦 ]
The fresh ginseng and shrimp (medium) are specially sponsored by Saywee.com
* 材料贊助商 *