鱸魚一條 1.5磅 (Sea bass 1.5 lbs), 蘆筍8條 (Asparagus 8 strips), 小蕃茄6粒 (Small
tomato 6 )。無花果醬汁 半杯 (Fig sauce ½ C)。
How to make Fig Sauce
材料: 無花果五顆 (Fig 5 pieces), 橙皮果醬三大匙 (Marmalade 3 T), 紅酒醋兩大匙
(Red wine vinegar 2 T), 牛油半大匙 (Butter ½ T), 紅酒半杯 (Red wine ½ C)。
無花果去皮後壓爛成茸,加入果醬, 紅酒醋, 用牛油煮熱後, 再加上紅酒煮至濃稠
Peel the fig and mash it. Add marmalade and red wine vinegar. Heat with butter
and then add red wine, cook till it becomes thick.
• 可以用在鴨肉,羊肉,海鮮上或塗在餅乾, Toast做小吃。
• The fig sauce could be served with duck, lamb and seafood. Also could use as spread
for crackers and toasts.
• 煎鱸魚柳做法:
• Instructions of Pan-Fry Sea Bass:
• 1. 鱸魚一條起肉, 用鹽,胡椒粉塗抹均勻魚塊上,醃十分鐘備用。
• Separate the meat from the sea bass, then apply salt and pepper to the pieces and
marinate for 10 minutes.
• 2. 熱鑊下油, 把魚塊兩邊煎香至熟,盛放在碟上 。
• Heat the oil and fry the sea bass on both sides until cooked. Serve on a dish
• 3. 蘆筍用油鹽水灼熟放旁邊,小蕃茄裝飾。
Boil the asparagus with salty water and decorate with small tomatoes. Finally, drizzle
with fig jam.
• * 梁師傅小貼士 *
• Chef’s Tips:
肝腎、益脾胃、化痰止咳之效,對肝腎不足的人有很好的補益作用。Sea bass is
rich in protein, vitamin A, B vitamins, calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium and
other nutrients; it has the effects of nourishing liver and kidney, spleen and
康的佳品。Sea bass can also treat fetal restlessness and help new mom to
produce breast milk. It is nutritious and won’t cause obesity.
質代謝的關鍵酶的功能發揮,銅元素缺乏的人可食用鱸魚來補充。Sea bass
contains copper in its blood. Copper can maintain the normal function of the
nervous system and participate in the function of key enzymes involved in the
metabolism of several substances. People who lack copper can eat sea bass.
材料贊助商 * Sponsor
• * 豐盛行蔘茸海味 (Fong Sen Co.) (紅酒,果醬, 紅酒醋)