杞子2安士 (Scorpion 2 oz),山藥4安士 (Nagaimo 4 oz),紅蘿蔔2安士 (Carrot 2 oz),急凍熟蜆一磅 (Cooked Clams 1 lb), 薑三片 (Ginger 3 slices)。
水 6 C (Water 6 C), 鹽 ¼ t (Salt ¼ t), 烹大師1 t (Hondashi 1 t),胡椒粉適量 (Pepper a little)。
山藥,紅蘿蔔去皮後,切成小塊。杞子浸洗乾淨, 熟蜆沖洗乾淨備用。
Peel the Nagaimo and Carrot and cut them into small pieces. Soak and wash the Scorpion. Wash the Cooked Clams.
煲內放入水六碗,放入所有材料, 中火煮20分鐘後,加入調味便可食用。
Put six bowls of water in the pot, add all the ingredients, and cook for 20 minutes on medium heat, add the seasoning and ready to serve.
Chef’s Tips:
Most people with diabetes have liver and kidney deficiency, such as dark eyes, dry eyes, and blurred vision. Soup of scorpion, carrots, and clam is beneficial for liver and eyesight.
此湯水對長期用電腦, 手機,視力衰退者亦很有益, 老少皆宜服用。
This soup is beneficial for computer and cell phone users, also good for vision.It is suitable for all ages.
小貼士: 新鮮活蜆買回來之後,要用鹽水浸泡一下,讓它吐沙,清洗乾淨才可食用 。活蚌或活蜆, 如放入大滾水中煮片刻, 其殼沒有打開,這不要食, 因為已死去多時,毫不新鮮,會有臭味。
今次選用急凍熟蜆, 試過之後感覺很乾淨,沒有沙,並且每一粒蜆都有蜆肉黏附著, 沒有浪費。
After buying fresh live crickets, you should soak them in salt water, let the sand come out, and clean them before eating. If live clams or live crickets do not open their shells, after boiled in large boiling water for a while. Then do not eat them, because they have been dead for a long time, they are not fresh, and they will smell.
[ 梁廚美食] 烹飪節目梁師傅提供
Recipe and Photo developed by Master Chef James Leung
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