斯塔爾曾任美國上訴法官及美國司法部副部長(Solicitor General)。1994年他被任命爲獨立檢察官。
川普說: “隨着激進左派對共和黨蔘議院的攻擊,總統職位變得更加重要!”
With the attack by the Radical Left Dems on the Republican Senate, the Presidency becomes even more important!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 6, 2020
“This is what we know. We have to go back to the state level and how this morass came to be in the first instance. The Governor, Wolf, and the State Supreme Court, flagrantly violated the Constitution of the U.S. The power to set these rules and regulations is vested in the
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 6, 2020
斯塔爾說:“制定這些規則和規定的權力歸於美國立法機關,但是他們就是無視這一點,(他們)無視憲法。 現在我們到了點票中心,讓人震驚的是,致力於誠信和透明的監察員被排除在外。”
….Legislature. They just ignored that, ignored the Constitution. Now we bring it down to the counting houses, and outrageously, observers, who are the sentinels of integrity & transparency, were excluded. Pennsylvania has conducted itself in a horrible lawless way, and….
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 6, 2020
….hopefully this will be corrected at the Supreme Court of the United States. Also, these late ballots past Election Day are illegal, exactly what the President has been saying. The Supreme Court, in extraordinary circumstances,…
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 6, 2020
….has been able to render decisions in a matter of days.” Ken Starr, former Independent Counsel @Varneyco
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 6, 2020
白宮新聞祕書麥肯納尼(Kayleigh McEnany)說,賓州選票早有大量舞弊現象,尤其是費城。“2012年,羅姆尼(Mitt Romney)在59個不同選區的票數全部爲零,這絕不可能。還有一位民主黨人在2014、2015和2016年因投入假選票受到指控,因此我們需要保持警惕.” 之後,她也轉發了一個11月5日的媒體調查。
11月5日,一位在賓州艾瑞(Erie)的郵遞員吹哨人告訴James O’Keefe,11月5日,郵局的郵件負責人把他的上級拉到一邊,並告訴他的上級,昨天他們把一堆選票的日期蓋壞了,應該蓋3日,卻蓋到後一天4日了。他要求把後面收到的選票全都蓋上11月3日的郵戳。“而且這些郵件都是昨天、今天纔到的,可能是從匹茲堡運來的無戳選票。”
“Philadelpiha has got a rotten history on election integrity.” @Varneyco @FoxBusiness
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 6, 2020
Great investigative journalism from @JamesOKeefeIII ⬇️ https://t.co/rbtQ9iiFIR
— Kayleigh McEnany (@kayleighmcenany) November 6, 2020