紅燒大石斑尾 Braised Rock Fish Tail-梁大廚 Chef Leung(第9集 No 9)
大石斑尾一條約兩磅 (Rock fish tail 2 lbs), 茄子1條 (Eggplant 1 strip),豬肉絲2安士 (Shredded Pork 2oz ), 冬菇絲2隻 (Shredded mushroom 2 pieces), 薑蔥蒜芫茜各少許 (ginger, garlic, green onion, parsley a little bit), 黃豆醬兩湯匙 (Yellow soybean sauce 2 Tablespoon)。
水四杯 (Water 4 Cups), 蠔油1湯匙 (Oyster sauce 1T), 生抽1湯匙 (Soy sauce 1T), 糖一湯匙 (Sugar 1T), 粟粉一湯匙+水3湯匙勾芡用. (Constarch 1T+3T water), 胡椒粉麻油少許 (Sesame oil & Pepper a little bit).
1. 魚尾在骨的中間界切開,沿着骨慢慢切開翻出来,但不要切斷,另一邊同樣切割翻開,這樣魚尾看起來較大塊及容易熟。用大約一茶匙的有味鹽塗抹均勻魚尾, 醃約五分鐘, 之後沾上少許生粉, 把多餘的粉拍掉。
Cut out in the middle of the tail along its bone, then turn the inside part out at one side of the tail, do not cut off the meat. Repeat at the other side. Now the fish tail look bigger and easy to cook. Tap and rub one teaspoon of salt to the fish tail evenly. Marinate for 5 mins. Then dip the fish tail into a little bit of cornstarch. Remove extra cornstarch.
2. 熱鑊下油3湯匙, 把魚尾放入, 兩面煎成金黃色, 取出備用。
Put 3 tablespoon of oil in the wok and add the fish tail. Cook until both sides turn into golden color. Remove the fish tail.
3. 茄子切成長條型, 用油炸一會撈起備用。
爆香薑蔥蒜粒,豬肉絲, 冬菇絲, 加入黃豆醬炒香,贊入少許紹酒, 加入水四杯, 調好味道,煮滾後把魚尾放入,再放上茄子,中火炆約八分鐘, 把魚尾取出裝盤, 再用粟粉水勾芡, 把茄子及芡汁淋在魚尾上,放上少許芫荽葉裝飾便成。
Cut the eggplant into long square pieces and fry a little. Stir fly ginger, green onion, garlic, pork shred, mushroom shred. Add yellow soybean sauce and a little bit cooking wine. Add 4 cups of water and after it boils, put in fish tail and eggplant, cook with medium heat for 8 mins. Remove the fish tail and put it on the plate. Add cornstarch to the eggplant, and pour the eggplant and starch onto the fish tail. Finally decorate the dish with a few parsley and ready to serve.