魚肚冬菇蒜子炆雞Chicken with Fish Bladder and Mushroom-梁廚美食 Chef Leung(第5集 No 5)
急凍濕魚肚8安士(Frozen Fish Bladder 8oz), 濕冬菇三安士 (Mushroom 3oz), 火腩四安士 (Roast Pork Meat 4oz), 炸好的蒜子12粒 (Fried Garlic 12 Pieces), 貴妃雞半隻 (Chicken 1 Whole)。
薑四片(Ginger 4 Slices),乾蔥五粒 (Shallot 5 pieces),葱度三條 (Green Onion 3 pieces),芫茜少許(Cilantro ) 裝飾用。
水 1.5杯 (Water 1.5C), 蠔油一湯匙 (Oyster Sauce 1T), 柱侯醬兩湯匙 (Chee Hou Sauce), 糖1茶匙 (Sugar 1t), 胡椒粉麻油少許 (Pepper & Sesame oil a little bit), 粟粉一茶匙 (Constarch 1t +1T water)開水勾芡用.
1. 貴妃雞洗乾淨後斬件, 用一湯匙生抽, 一茶匙糖, 胡椒粉少許, 粟粉一茶匙撈勻後, 醃約20分鐘,最後下少許生油拌勻備用。
1. Wash and cut the chicken, use a spoonful of soy sauce, a teaspoon of sugar, a little pepper, a teaspoon of cornmeal, and marinate for about 20 minutes. Finally, mix with a little oil.
2. 急凍魚肚解凍後洗乾淨,用一湯匙薑汁酒飛水後,揸乾水分備用。
2. Defrost Fish Bladder and rinse with water. Boil with water and 1 spoon of ginger wine. Wipe the water.
3. 熱鑊下油, 放入雞件兩面煎香至金黃,撈出備用。再放入料頭及柱侯醬爆香,加入冬菇火腩蒜子一起爆炒一會,贊入紹酒,水及調味料兜勻後,再把魚肚放入兜勻後,蓋上蓋子,中火炆五分鐘,再用粟粉水勾芡,加入蔥度,麻油兜勻,便可放入一個預先燒熱的瓦煲內, 放上芫茜裝飾便可。
3. Heat the oil and put chicken to sauté until golden on both sides. Then add the seasonings and Chee Hou Sauce, add the mushroom, Roast Pork Meat and fried garlic and stir fry for a while. Add cooking wine, water and seasonings, and then put the fish belly and cook a little, then cover the pot. Cook at medium heat for five minutes, then use the cornstarch to thicken, add the onion, sesame oil. Put everything into a pre-heated clay pot, add cilantro for decoration.