新鮮松茸三安士 (Matsutake 3 oz),神戶和牛4安士 (Wagyu 4 oz), 蜜糖豆一安士
(Sugar peas 1 oz) ,紅蘿蔔花六片 (Carrot 6 slices ),薑,乾蔥蒜頭各少許 (Ginger,
garlic,shallot @ a little bit) 。
水三湯匙 (Water 3 T), 調味雞汁一湯匙 (Chicken Sauce 1 T), 糖半茶匙 (Sugar ½ t),
胡椒粉少許 (White pepper little bit), 粟粉四分一茶匙 (Constarch ¼ t)。
1. 新鮮松茸用濕布抹乾淨,打直切片,牛肉斜刀切成厚片, (不用醃味)。蜜糖豆和
Wipe clean the Matsutake using a wet cloth. Cut the Matsutake in pieces. Slice
the beef on the diagonal into thick pieces (don’t have to season it). Boil sugar peas
and carrot in salty water with a little bit oil.
2. 熱鑊下牛油, 把松茸煎香至金黃色, 盛出備用。
再下少許油, 把和牛快手炒至
六成熟, 盛出備用。
Heat the butter in the pot, and sauté the Matsutake till it turns golden brown, and
remove it for later use. Put a little oil, stir-fry the Wagyu till it is medium well,
and remove it.
3. 爆香薑蔥蒜,把和牛及松茸放回鑊内,倒下芡汁,快手兜勻,便可上碟。
Sauté the ginger and onion, put the Wagyu and Matsutake back into the pot, pour
the seasonings, quickly mix them well and ready to serve.
• 梁師傅小貼士 *
• Chef’s Tips:
• 松茸具有强身、益肠胃、止痛、理气化痰等功效。现代科学研究表明,松茸还具
Matsutake has the effects of strengthening the body, benefiting the
stomach, relieving pain, regulating qi and removing phlegm. Modern
scientific research shows that Matsutake also has special effects in
treating diabetes and fighting cancer.
• 松茸本身帶香濃的味道,有其獨特香味,建議不要用水洗,只用廚房紙或濕布抹
• Matsutake itself has a fragrant taste and a unique aroma. It is recommended
not to wash with water. Use only kitchen paper or a damp cloth to clean.
• 和牛肉質嫩滑無渣,脂肪分佈平均,口感香滑,所以不用味醃,香煎至六成熟便
可,盡量保存其豐富的天然肉汁, 放入口中油香四溢,滋味無窮,非一般牛
肉能比較. (Kobe Style Beef Ribeye). 日本人稱和牛.
The Wagyu is smooth and slag-free, with an average fat distribution and a
smooth taste. Therefore it doesn’t have to be marinated. Just pan-fry it till
medium well to preserve its rich and natural gravy. The taste is far better
than average beef. In Japan it is called Kobe Style Beef Ribeye
* 材料贊助商 *
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