龍膽斑頭14安士 (Giant grouper head 14 oz), 苦瓜兩條 (Bitter Melon 2 strips) , 薑蒜,
紅蔥頭各少量 (Ginger, garlic, shallot @ a little bit),葱度兩條 (Green onion 2 strips)
,白味噌2湯匙 (White Miso paste 2 T)。
糖 一茶匙 (Sugar 1 t), 胡椒粉麻油少許 (Pepper & sesame oil a little bit), 美極豉油半
茶匙 (Maggi sauce ½ t), 水約3杯 (Water 3 C).
1. 首先將苦瓜切開, 挖掉瓜囊,再切成骨牌形狀 。龍膽斑頭洗乾淨,抹乾水,塗上
少許鹽,胡椒粉, 雞蛋液半隻, 生粉一湯匙, 醃約十分鐘。
Cut the bitter melon and remove the pulp. Then cut into squares. Wash and dry Giant
grouper head. Add a little bit salt and pepper, egg liquid of half an egg.1 tablespoon of
raw flour, marinated for about 10 minutes.
2. 燒熱鑊, 下油半杯,把斑頭沾上乾的生粉,薄薄的一層,將多餘的粉拍掉, 放
Heat the pot and put a little bit oil. Dip a little bit dry cornstarch on the Giant
grouper head and shake off extra cornstarch powder. Put it in the pan, and stir fry
till it turns golden color then remove it.
3. 倒掉多餘的油, 放入薑蔥蒜, 白味噌爆香,加入涼瓜翻炒一會,放入水及其他
調味料, 把斑頭放回在內, 用湯汁稍為均匀的淋在上面, 蓋上鍋蓋, 慢火
Dump extra oil. Add ginger, onion, garlic, and white miso sauce. Add bitter melon and
stir fry for a little bit. Pour some water and seasonings. Put back the Giant grouper head
and pour some sauce on it. Close the lid and cook 10 minutes in low heat. After opening
the lid, use the cornstarch water to thicken it and add a little cilantro for decoration.
• 梁師傅小貼士 *
Chef’s Tips:
1. 白味噌先用兩湯匙水開散,才容易炒開。
Mix the white miso sauce with two tablespoons of water before cooking, so that it is easy
to spread.
2. 龍膽斑頭魚皮軟Q, 富含膠質, 肉質細致有彈性, 營養豐富. 台灣出産(急涷).
Giant grouper head is soft and rich in colloid. Its meat is fine and elastic, full of nutrition.
Choose the product from Taiwan (frozen).
* 材料贊助商 *
Sponsor of the ingredients: