乾瑤柱2 oz (Dried Scallop 2 oz) , 大豆苖 1 磅 (Pea Sprouts 1 lb), 金針菇 7 oz (Enoki
Mushroom 7 oz) , 蒜茸3粒 (Garlic 3 pieces) , 薑汁酒 2湯匙 (Ginger Wine juice 2 T)
雞湯 1/2杯 (Chicken Broth ½ C), 糖 1/4茶匙 (Sugar ¼ t), 蠔油1 茶匙 (Oyster sauce 1
胡椒粉 少許 (Pepper a little), 粟粉1茶匙+水1湯匙打獻用 (Constarch 1 t).
1. 乾瑤柱用水浸過面, 加少量薑, 蔥, 紹酒, 隔水蒸30分鐘備用.
Soak Dried Scallop (with water level above), add a small amount of ginger, onions,
Shaoxing wine, steamed for 30 minutes.
2. 金針菇切除尾端四分一, 撕散洗乾淨備用.
Cut off ¼ the end of Enoki Mushroom, shred and wash the mushroom.
3. 熱穫用油爆香蒜茸, 放入豆苖炒一會, 加入薑汁酒, 下少許鹽炒熟, 隔去菜汁, 放碟
Heat the pan and add oil. Then sauté the garlic, add pea sprouts and cook for a little bit.
Add ginger wine and a little salt. Filtrate the liquid and put the pea sprouts on the plate.
4. 燒滾調味料, 加入堯柱, 金針菇, 再用粟粉水埋獻, 扒在豆苗上便成.
Boil the seasonings, add scallop and Enoki mushroom. Then thicken the dish with corn
starch on the pea sprouts. Ready to serve.
• 梁師傅小技巧 *
• Chef’s Tips:
• 薑汁酒做法: 去皮大薑切手指頭般大小, 約半磅, 米酒2杯, 水1杯.
• How to make Ginger Wine: Prepare peeled ginger for about half a pound, add 2 cups of
rice wine, and 1 cup of water.
• 準備攪拌機, 把所有材料放進, 打至薑粒變茸, 倒出用過濾網隔去薑渣, 用勺把薑渣
的汁液盡量壓迫出來, 便成為薑汁酒, 餘下薑渣可以加入鹽和蔥粒, 贊入滾油,
• Put all ingredients into the mixer. Beat the ginger to become velvet, pour out the ginger
residue with a filter, use the spoon to squeeze the juice of the ginger residue as
much as possible, then it become ginger wine. The remaining ginger residue can
be cooked with salt and onion and sauté with oil. This is called Ginger Velvet and
could serve as dipping sauce.
• 薑汁酒可放入玻璃瓶, 放進冰箱, 可存放一個月, 用途廣泛, 用來醃肉, 海鮮, 或炒菜
• Ginger wine can be placed in a glass bottle and stored in the refrigerator for one month.
I can be used for a wide range of purposes, such as marinating meat, seafood, or
stir-fry vegetables.
• 豆苗: 為荷蘭豆的幼嫩莖葉,葉身幼嫩,葉色青綠。味甘,性平。有和中下氣、
亦蘊含葉綠素、維生素 C 及維生素 B 族,對消除疲勞、養顏護膚有一定的
Pea Sprouts:It is the young stems and leaves of the peas. The leaves are young and the
color is green. It has the effect of promoting urination. Pea Sprouts are rich in cellulose,
which can speed up the intestinal peristalsis and help prevent constipation. It also
contains chlorophyll, vitamin C and vitamin B. It has a certain effect on eliminating
fatigue and skin care. It can help treating fever, coughing, clearing away heat and
detoxification, stagnation of gas, and soothing physical exhaustion.
* 材料贊助商 * www.sayweee.com 华人新鮮第一站
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